Using WebTMS from home? We want your questions!

Using WebTMS from home? We want your questions!

Apr 2 - May 10

Virtual Q&A – Ask Us Anything About WebTMS

During this lockdown period WebTMS is offering our clients free additional training in the form of two webinars a month, and we want you to tell us what you’d like covered….
We’re pleased to launch the “Ask Me Anything” series of webinars where we’ll answer your questions in relation to WebTMS functionality.
We need you to get involved by submitting questions to the email address: [email protected]
  • Send questions about the features/functionality of our IP management software
  • Tell us what obstacles you’re facing when creating/amending records
  • Inform us of the function(s) you’d like to improve on
We’ll then select questions from the submission pool and our expert will provide the answers during the live webinar where you will also have the opportunity to ask follow up questions via the interactive chat.

Don’t miss out on our next webinar in a series ‘Ask Us Anything About WebTMS’ which is on 7th May 2020.


