Case Studies - Brand Owners

Case Study 1 – Large FMCG Company with Multiple Data Types

We have many FMCG clients using the WebTMS software to manage their global portfolio of brands. It’s an easy decision to make when ultimately you have one large set of data that requires management from multiple locations, by several users. One of our FMCG clients, who were made up of several large entities undergoing a merger into one larger company had the additional task of having to successfully bring together five different sets of data, one from each of the companies or business units that were merging together. One luxury we did not have was receiving the data in the same format. What WebTMS successfully managed to achieve for this client was taking multiple data sources from various other IP systems and being able to bring them altogether to form one global portfolio with all the data being in unison despite coming from wildly varying sources.

Case Study 2 – Collaboration

Another well-known brand owning corporation chose WebTMS because of the intuitiveness of the software; however, they also wanted to outsource some of their renewal functions. WebTMS do not handle the payment of renewals as we currently specialise in one area – IP Portfolio Management Software. However, we are happy to open discussions with other vendors that specialise in specific areas and work together to provide a solution that ultimately benefits and enriches the client experience. In this case, it was a well-known full service IP company that has a strong renewals department and we were able to work together to help facilitate the flow of data from WebTMS to the renewals specialist and then back into WebTMS to capture the updates.

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  • Fross
  • Rouse
  • Hershey
  • Clifford Chance
  • Hallmark
  • Hitachi